
Saturday, December 17, 2011


सारे पात्र और घटनाये काल्पनिक है ! नाम और घटना का  किसी से कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं है !

           जनवरी का महीना था ! चारों तरफ कंपकपाती ठण्ड थी ! हरिपुरधार मैं तो वैसे भी  ठण्ड होती है ! लेकिन जनवरी के महीने मैं तो यहाँ खून जमा देने वाली ठण्ड होती है ! रात अभी शुरू ही हुई थी और मीनू के घर वाले खाना खा कर एक  कमरे मैं इकठठा होने शुरू हो रहे थे ! लेकिन मीनू पहले की तरह ही बाहर बरामदे मैं खेल रही  थी ! मीनू के ननिहाल से उसके मामा मामी और नाना नानी पहुँच चुके थे ! जब सब इकठठा हो गए तो मीनू के पिता जी बोले " आप सब तो जानते है की मीनू 19 साल की हो गई  है अब उसकी उम्र शादी लायक हो गई है ! उसके साथ की लडकियों की शादी हो गई है ! आप सब को इस लिए बुलाया है की आगे क्या किया जाये   "    

                                                                                                                                               to be continue   

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Serve Your Nation

1.   Use public transport system more & more
2.  Expose corrupted person
3.  If you think this is wrong then frankly say wrong
4.  If you say wrong is right then you are corrupted
5.  Perform your duty well whatever is the service
6.  If you expose corrupted person than at first sight it looks difficult but victory will be yours
7.  Say Good - Bye to corruption
8.  Do not exploit unemployed person because it is a disguised corruption
9.  Save public property because it is yours not of government because government is yours
10.Select Educated, Social , Vigilant MP or MLA not corrupted or Bahubali
11.Maintain simplicity in your life because by doing this you can control your expenditure but if you loose
     simplicity then your expenditure rise & you have to make extra arrangement for this & it is main cause of
     corruption .
12.Control your desire corruption will automatically stop .
13.In your life adopt at least one children or teach one
14.Make habit of saving either Money  or Petrol or Diesel because it will help nation
15.Respect NRI because they are serving the nation by giving foreign currency .
16.Open your own business Instead of running toward Govt. Jobs because if you appoint two or three person
     in your business then you are true servant of nation.
17.Saving money is a good habit do not store in your own house or swiss bank but deposit in Bank or Post
     office, so that it boost our economy , if you store in your house or in swiss bank then it can damage our
18.Respect women , Girls because it is a symbol of cultured society & we (Indian) are famous for cultured
     nature from begining .
19.Guide the poor person that they teach their children because children are our future.
20.Special request from teachers that perform their duty honestly because teachers are king maker .             

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wireless Transfer of Electricity ?

                        Everyday we are losing Thousand of MW of electricity to overcome resistance of conductor. We know that the wire we are using for transmission of electricity are of conducting nature but still there is few amount of resistance & we are wasting energy to overcome this. Main loss of energy is due to Sound energy & heat energy.  Although we have made everything which we require. Why not anyone thought that we transfer electricity without wire i.e wireless transfer of electricity. If we got success in this idea then we can save huge amount of energy & they can also reduce maintaince cost. Electricity distributing company & Electricity board can also save huge money by this teccnology . e.g there will not be any billing system , if any person charge his account for 300 Rs then with this technology after consumption of 300 Rs electricity person's connection will automatically cut off i.e in the same way as we done with mobile chaging & using . With this tecnology we can control on electricity theft . Main benefit of this technology would be that in every climate we have electricity.
                     Scientist are working on superconductor but why not they are working on this technology although aim of both are same. We know that new innovation change old technology so scientist have to work on this so that we can get rid of transmission of power by tower or pole .
                    In the first sight it looks impossible but everything in later age was impossible can be made possible by sustain effort .    

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time Machine

Manoj Dogra
Concept of time machine is not a  new one . Hundred of Hollywood & Bollywood films  are based on this concept. But can you imagine that it is possible in real life. Yes in real life it will be possible in few years. Because Google   & IBM are trying for making TIME MACHINE . When time machine will develop you can see the past as well as future of anyone.
              In order to make first of all we have to develop neuron so that computer can think itself . Japanese scientist got success for making neuron technology for computers . But still their computers is not comparable to human neuron system.
            Although astrologer can predict future by just knowing your date of birth . But it will not true for every person.
            Time machine is not be a work of fiction. It will be developed one day surely. Because impossible thing of tomorrow are realty of today.
            Since time  machine  based on the concept of time . So we have to travel on some some Machine that travel us with speed of light . NASA is developing a warp ship which can travel with the speed of light. Concept of traveling in black hole or we can say that worm hole is totally possible if we travel in a machine which move with speed of light..
            Most of people saying that it is not possible to develop a TIME MACHINE . They says that warp ship ( A concept of  NASA ) is not possible. But in my view it is possible because when google boat crawl your search data from whole world with in few second., then how can we say that it is not possible for making a warp ship.
            You can imagine that how internet spread throughout the world with in just 20 years . If we move back to 20 years then people event can’t think about this concept of internet but now a days it is a real concept.
            In the last if we develop Time Machine then whole means of transportation will be changed e.g If our destination is Delhi . Then why you journey in  Bus , Train or Aero plane. You have to just enter in Time Machine & it will transmit to your destination .
            Here main contradiction is that Present & Past are both real but future is not real it is indeterminate or infinite . I can surely say that in one day Time Machine will be in reality. But it doesn’t mean that you can change your Present by disturbing your past. You can meet yourself in Childhood or in Adolsense but it will not possible that you can kill Saddam Hussain of Osama Bin Laden in their Childhood.   

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Unique idea for making money

Manoj Dogra 
   For making money it is not necessary that you need money .
आप बिना एक पैसा खर्च किए जितना चाहे उतना पैसा कमा सकते है ! You just need unique idea , there are so many example where person earn lot of money . 
1.  Founder of  Google who earn so much that budget of few   country would be less than their budget.
2. Founder of youtube.com
3. Sunil Bharti Mittal of airtel 
4. Even Shahrukh Khan's determination makes him Superstar.