
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wireless Transfer of Electricity ?

                        Everyday we are losing Thousand of MW of electricity to overcome resistance of conductor. We know that the wire we are using for transmission of electricity are of conducting nature but still there is few amount of resistance & we are wasting energy to overcome this. Main loss of energy is due to Sound energy & heat energy.  Although we have made everything which we require. Why not anyone thought that we transfer electricity without wire i.e wireless transfer of electricity. If we got success in this idea then we can save huge amount of energy & they can also reduce maintaince cost. Electricity distributing company & Electricity board can also save huge money by this teccnology . e.g there will not be any billing system , if any person charge his account for 300 Rs then with this technology after consumption of 300 Rs electricity person's connection will automatically cut off i.e in the same way as we done with mobile chaging & using . With this tecnology we can control on electricity theft . Main benefit of this technology would be that in every climate we have electricity.
                     Scientist are working on superconductor but why not they are working on this technology although aim of both are same. We know that new innovation change old technology so scientist have to work on this so that we can get rid of transmission of power by tower or pole .
                    In the first sight it looks impossible but everything in later age was impossible can be made possible by sustain effort .    

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